Jews, muslims and christians in and around the Crown of Aragon. Essays in honour of Professor Elena Lourie

Título  Jews, muslims and christians in and around the Crown of Aragon. Essays in honour of Professor Elena Lourie

Editor  H. J. Hames

Ciudad  Leiden - Boston

Editorial  Brill

Año  2004

Páginas  ix + 362

Colección  The Medieval Mediterranean, 52

Entre artículos de firmas conocidas que pueden interesar, cabe destacar los de J. Edwards, «A society organized for war? Córdoba in the time of Ferdinand and Isabella»; D. Nirenberg, «Love between muslim and jew in medieval Spain: a triangular affair»; T. F. Glick, «"My master, the jew": Observations on interfaith scholarly interaction in the Middle Ages»; E. Gutwirth, «A song and dance: transcultural practices of daily life in medieval Spain» y R. B. Shalom, «The myths of Troy and Hercules as reflected in the writings of some jewish exiles form Spain», reseñados individualmente.

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