'Call me Ishmael': Onomastics, Genealogies, and Ideologies in a Frontier Ballad (Álora la bien cercada)

Autor  GERLI, E. Michael

Título  'Call me Ishmael': Onomastics, Genealogies, and Ideologies in a Frontier Ballad (Álora la bien cercada)

Otros autores  M. da Costa Fontes - J. T. Snow

Título revista/libro  'Entra mayo y sale abril': Medieval Spanish Literary and Folklore Studies in Memory of Harriet Goldberg

Ciudad  Newark, Delaware

Editorial  Juan de la Cuesta

Año  2005

Páginas  161-179

Colección  Hispanic Monographs. Homenajes, 25

«The ballad may, in fact, also be read -perhaps even more profitably- as a sophisticated appropriation and rewriting of paradigmatic biblical foundational fictions resting at the center of the ideologies sustaining cultural and religious conflict on both sides of the frontier in late medieval Spain -the story of David and Goliath (...) and the struggle between the descendants of the Patriarch Abraham» (p. 166).

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